Last week when I was at YS a guy named Andrew Marin had a great quote that applies to SO much.
In the context of the quote, Billy Graham is sitting at a table at a DC event held by President Bill Clinton right after the big Lewinsky deal blew up. Reporters saw Graham there and wanted to know how he could support the President after a scandal like this. Here was Graham's response:
"It's the Holy Spirit's job to convict, God's job to judge, and my job to love."
I may have gotten that tweaked a bit, but that is the gist.
Marin was relating it to the bridges we can build with the GLBT communities.
and yet, it relates to us in so many ways. way cool.
You've got the quote right! Bless you...
Much love.
dude, thanks for your comment! It was great to meet you in Sac and I LOVED hearing you during the main session and in your seminar. GREAT stuff, bro. Thanks for stopping by.
No problem...thanks for writing about it, and thank you sooo much for the encouragments!!!! Much love brother!
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