Friday, September 19, 2008

Coolest Story I've heard/read in a long time

So I can't sleep. It's 2 am. and my pool was making wierd noises. I go outside to check and my little chlorine floater is stuck in the skimmer. I fix it and google said subject and I found some single dad's blog about all the things he has found in his skimmer (including a dead raccoon) while owning a pool.

I read a little more and find out he's an Orthodox Christian who has recently renewed his faith.

and then I'm floored by this story about his adopted son. WOW.

Here is an excerpt:

Several years ago, in 1999, shortly after I had moved back to Virginia and secured employment in a new line of work, I was feeling pretty good about myself, so headed to the boardwalk at the beach with nothing other than the intention to take a nice walk along the oceanfront, and maybe get an ice cream.

About mid-way into my walk, I saw a woman with a small boy seated on the ground next to a park bench. Their faces were filthy. The little boy's huge blue eyes were so bright against what looked like coal dust on his face. He was TINY, too. He looked almost like a miniature child! Very thin and petite. I had made it a few steps past them and couldn't stand the thought of that child sitting there watching all the tourists having fun. He was so sad, and she was so helpless. I didn't know their circumstance, and I didn't see them doing anything to actively beg for money. They were steps away from a carnival where the music and laughter made the two of them seem even more melancholy, so I went back to the woman, handed her twenty dollars, and told her to take her son to do something fun.

His face lit up, and when I turned back to wave to them as I left, she was mouthing the words "thank you" to me, as he was jumping and clapping with joy. He'd look at the money, then look at me, then jump some more. It was what you always want to see from your children on Christmas morning. My heart melted right there on the spot.

I don't want to ruin the end for you. It's worth your time.

Here's the link for the rest of the story:

Monday, September 15, 2008

Ice Skating and Amputation: Don't forget that release form!

Introducing one of our brand new 6th graders. His name is Drake and he's an amazing kid. We took our students out for our annual Lock Out, which included ice skating!

Drake had never been ice skating before and was having a blast. When all of the sudden, he fell and some kid wasn't paying attention and didn't see him. He tried to jump over him but ended up landing on his calf. And he made a MAJOR gash in Drake's leg.

My sweet wife saw the WHOLE thing and was haunted by it all night long. They carried him off the ice, scrubbed his blood off the ice, and called 911. The paramedics came and what did they want?

a release form! Man, am I so glad I had those ready and, more importantly, WITH me. We called mom and dad and they came down and took him to the hospital. The cut took 18 stitches and it was GORY. Like, crazy gory!

Drake's only concern? "So, when I'm done at the hospital, can I meet back up with you guys?"

eh eh eh. Of course. which he did. What a crazy night! Definitely a first for me.

So the next time you are gearing up for your big event, DON'T FORGET THOSE RELEASE FORMS!!!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Jesus is like a Mounty...

This is CLASSIC! I can't stop playing it!

Jesus is my friend. I have a friend in Jesus. ROCK IT!

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Priceless Middle School Camp Memory #49

2 fast food meals: $11

1 tank of gas: $75

1 week at YouthFront Camp: $330

Seeing one of my middle school boys shoot snot out of his nose into the lake to watch the fish eat it: Priceless