Thursday, May 21, 2009

Akeelah and the Bee Bible Study Thoughts

I'm sure that I'm behind the times but I just watched Akeelah and the Bee. I previewed it (Student Ministry practice #411) for a Bible Study this summer.

Here are some takeaways from the movie:

Akeelah's mom says that Akeelah will succeed because of her 50,000 coaches. Throughout the movie we see all these people, all these "coaches" who helped her achieve her dream. Who are the "coaches" God has placed in your life and how have they shaped your story?

Akeelah feels compassion for Dylan and how his father treats him. Who do you feel compassion for?

Akeelah is willing to sacrifice herself in order to save Dylan from the wrath of his dad. When have you sacrificed for someone else? Has anyone been willing to do something like that for you? (insert Sunday School answer here)

Akeelah and Dr. Larabee shared something very personal: they both had lost someone. We all experience pain. Why do we hide it? What happens when we share it?

The guy who wrote this story sat on it for 4-5 years. He refused to write it. Finally, one day while hiking with his buddy, his friend asked him, "Why aren't you writing it?" And he realized that, like Akeelah's desire to not want to be "the smart kid," he didn't want to be the guy who wrote the "spelling bee" story. A lot of times we sit on the peak of greatness and we are tempted to shy away because of our fear of what will happen if I do...this. What will happen if I do...that. What will my friends think of me? How will my parent's react? What will happen to my job? What are some of the questions keeping you from taking the next step in your relationship with God?

Seen the movie? Got a takeaway/question that you'd like to add? How else does this movie relate to our faith?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You inspired me bud. Your inspiration is in my heart for Sunday's message.