Thursday, May 21, 2009

Akeelah and the Bee Bible Study Thoughts

I'm sure that I'm behind the times but I just watched Akeelah and the Bee. I previewed it (Student Ministry practice #411) for a Bible Study this summer.

Here are some takeaways from the movie:

Akeelah's mom says that Akeelah will succeed because of her 50,000 coaches. Throughout the movie we see all these people, all these "coaches" who helped her achieve her dream. Who are the "coaches" God has placed in your life and how have they shaped your story?

Akeelah feels compassion for Dylan and how his father treats him. Who do you feel compassion for?

Akeelah is willing to sacrifice herself in order to save Dylan from the wrath of his dad. When have you sacrificed for someone else? Has anyone been willing to do something like that for you? (insert Sunday School answer here)

Akeelah and Dr. Larabee shared something very personal: they both had lost someone. We all experience pain. Why do we hide it? What happens when we share it?

The guy who wrote this story sat on it for 4-5 years. He refused to write it. Finally, one day while hiking with his buddy, his friend asked him, "Why aren't you writing it?" And he realized that, like Akeelah's desire to not want to be "the smart kid," he didn't want to be the guy who wrote the "spelling bee" story. A lot of times we sit on the peak of greatness and we are tempted to shy away because of our fear of what will happen if I do...this. What will happen if I do...that. What will my friends think of me? How will my parent's react? What will happen to my job? What are some of the questions keeping you from taking the next step in your relationship with God?

Seen the movie? Got a takeaway/question that you'd like to add? How else does this movie relate to our faith?

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Sweet Dance Moves

Totally didn't see this coming. It's classic!

ht to Mark who got it from Brooklyn.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Softball and Student Ministry

My daughter took her first lesson in fastpitch softball this week. I feel pretty confident that I could coach a kid on how to pitch baseball. I could at least give them the basics. But when it comes to fast pitch softball...I am clueless.

So I took Ciera to a lesson and it was so incredibly helpful! Britnee (Barnett) Weber of Wichita State Shocker fame was her coach for an hour and she took a very complicated windup and broke it down into 5 drills. Each drill built off the previous one and when you put them all together, viola! She was great at explaining each step and helping Ciera and I understand what the purpose of each drill was.

She turned something difficult, overwhelming, and confusing, into something easy to understand and attainable.

That was a great reminder of what middle school ministry (and really all ministry) needs to be. We need to continue taking this abstract idea of Christian living and making it simple to understand and attainable. I'm not suggesting we try to take out the mystery or simplify the radical call of Jesus. But we have to make it something more than this great pinnacle that if one is REALLY spiritual, he MIGHT be able to attain it...especially if he becomes a senior pastor.

We certainly haven't mastered it yet, but that idea of creating drills that build on each other, really resonates with me.
In your ministry, how are you creating building blocks (for lack of a better term) to help students grow in thier faith? How are you making it simple, attainable, and yet building on top of one another?

Friday, May 08, 2009

Welcome to the new blog!

My friend Kirk has been on me for years about this and now my friend Adam has suggested it as well. This blog is moving to I think this will be an automatic change, but I can't be certain.

So why the change? Well, as fun as it is to be affiliated with the King, it doesn't give a consistent or clear message about me. My foray with Elvis is a fun story, and lots of people know my interest with him. But if someone is trying to find out more about me from one of my books, or a comment I make on another blog, facebook, twitter, etc. then the keniselvis thing is kind of...I dunno...not clear.

My hope is that this blog will be able to add to the important conversations of middle school ministry and theology, with bits and pieces from what's going on in my family, and that it will ultimately direct us to a greater love for Jesus and his church.

Thanks for being part of my journey!

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Great Youth Ministry Game #177: Bigger or Better

If it takes little to ZERO prep, creates a great memory for adults and students, and everyone has a blast, it's a game that youth pastors need.

I give you: "Bigger or Better"

"Bigger or Better" is the first scavenger hunt I ever experienced! I was in 7th grade and my youth pastor was Steve Spray. I had heard about this scavenger hunt and how one group ended up with a real car and I was hooked. I remember our team came back that night with a pair of skiis and some other junk. And I do mean junk.

Here is how it's played: Divide up your teams and give each team something small and lame: paperclips, a chip, a penny, an old newsletter, etc. Then have them go door-to-door and have them ask people if they will trade them for something "Bigger or Better" than what they have. people can take the thing or just give you something, but they need to know that they aren't getting it back. Have your groups meet back at a designated time and determine your winner!

That's it! We did it last night as a party for the end of our small groups and it took from beginning to end (including driving to different neighborhoods) in 90 minutes. One could EASILY make this a much bigger event night (which we did once and one of our youth coaches took home a couch!)

Our kids had a blast last night and took home a bike, coffee table, glassware, a TV, a kid's table and chairs, and one of those cool glass balls that puts out electricity when you touch it, among other things.

If you've played Bigger or Better before, what was the Biggest and Best thing you ended up with?