Wednesday, February 18, 2009

40+ Spiritual Experiements for Lent

Tonight we are helping our middle schoolers prepare for next Wednesday’s Ash Wednesday service by giving them a heads up of what it means a week before.


We’re also going to give them a handout with some ideas of “Spiritual Experiments” they can do for Lent.  I took most of them from James Bryan Smith’s book “A Spiritual Formation Workbook.”


Feel free to use it for your own church setting!


40+ Spiritual Experiments for Lent

(Adapted from “A Spiritual Formation Workbook” by James Bryan Smith)



1.                   Pray for 5 minutes before you to go to bed.


2.                   Try to “tame your tongue” today by only speaking when you have to.


3.                   Read 1 Corinthians 12:8-11.  Do you have one of these spiritual gifts?


4.                   Write an encouraging note to someone who needs it this week.


5.                   Read the Bible for 15 minutes.


6.                   Whatever you do today, do it for the honor of God. 


7.                   Pray without words (in silence) for 5 minutes


8.                   Don’t watch any “screens” today (TV, computer, video games).  Use that time to be with your family.


9.                   Read Luke 11:13 and pray for the Holy Spirit.


10.               Do some extra help around the house as a gift to your family.


11.               Meditate on the John 1:1.  Read it over and over and over and over and…


12.               Attend a non-United Methodist Church service.


13.               Write a letter to God telling how you feel.


14.               Say two good things about someone or something for every time you 


15.               Read Galatians 5:22-23.  Choose one fruit you’d would like to see grow in your life.


16.               Do a secret act of service.  Do a kind deed without being asked or expecting to be thanked.


17.               Read a chapter of the Bible before falling asleep.


18.               Give out flowers at nursing home.


19.               Tell God “Thanks” by listing out 10 things you are thankful for.


20.               Memorize the 10 commandments


21.               Read Ephesians 6:10-17.  Which piece of “armor” do you need the most right now?


22.               Server others with your words.  Speak well of someone today and guard their reputation.


23.               Talk about your faith in Jesus Christ with a relative or close friend.


24.               Listen to Handel’s Messiah.


25.               Pray for your C-Group leader


26.               Keep the Sabbath.  Take today and just relax.  No work.


27.               Ask your parent’s which Fruits of the Spirit they see in you?


28.               Serve others by letting them have their “space.”


29.               Share God’s love with someone today.  If necessary, use words.


30.               Invite God to your mealtime.  Don’t simply say a quick prayer before eating.


31.               See if you can wake up praying!  Give your day to God in that prayer!


32.               Write out a confession in a journal.  Be honest.  You won’t be telling God anything he doesn’t already know.


33.               This Sunday, really worship when you go to church.  Pray and sing with all you got!


34.               Serve someone else by letting them serve you.  Don’t deny someone that joy.


35.               Memorize a verse or passage from Scripture and recite it to someone.

36.               Go play with some little kids!  We often see God through the lives of children.


37.               Take a walk in a park or watch the sunset and give God thanks for his creation.


38.               Do a “treasure” check.  Read Luke 18-30.  What do you need to give away?


39.               Read Romans 12:6-8.  Do you have one of these spiritual gifts too?


40.               Pick up trash at a park or school.


41.               Read from the book of Proverbs.  There are 31 of them, one for each day.



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