Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Ciera and MENSA

Jen and I had a meeting with Ciera’s school counselor, teacher, and principle today. She had tested to see if qualified for the gifted program. Pretty weird deal, because you want your kids to have the best education possible. But if your kid doesn’t make it for the gifted program, how is that not deflating for them on some level, even if you as a parent aren’t that concerned about the results?

Anyway, long story short, Ciera did qualify which is pretty cool She will now have an IEP, Individualized Education Program. Only the top 3% of kids are included in the gifted program, that will take her all the way through high school. Evidently it’s a much bigger deal that I fully understand because we now have the power to call a meeting with the principle, teacher, and counselor at any time if we feel there are educational issues. We had to sign three documents and it’s registered with the state and everything. Really weird.

Ciera scored a 128 on a standardized IQ test which put her in the 97th percentile. If she was tested again, numerous times, she would most likely fall in the 121-133 range, according to the school counselor who administered the test. Jen sent me some links about IQ test scores and such and I found out that MENSA is for anyone in the 98th percentile! All you have to do is submit a 98% on an approved MENSA test and you are in for life. How crazy is that?

To top it off, Noah is way ahead of where Ciera was in first grade, but they really don’t do any gifted testing till the end of the 2nd grade or in third grade.

Pretty wild. I’m glad that we can now insure that everything is going to be done to help Ciera learn and grow. That’s a pretty cool deal.


Diane Davis said...

wow, you're wife must be REALLY smart. JUST KIDDING. I deal with IEPs all the time, and I thought they were only for kids who had learning disabilities. The wait list is long and it is hard for kids to get the services they need. But once they get the IEP, it's soooo helpful. Nice to know they have it for gifted kids too.

Ken said...

Diane!!! Yes, IEP's for disabled and for gifted. way cool!

I told Jen, "How smart can you be if you married me?"

she replied with some mushy gushy garbage about being smart enough to know the kind of man I would eventually turn out to be. ;^)