Monday, February 04, 2008

I am so humbled...

Every once in a while you get one of these glimpses into God doing something through you that you had nothing to do with.

I was on facebook and saw a student that was not one of my middle schoolers, but was a kid in high school at the first church I had a full time gig at. He was the son of the children's minister and was a totally solid kid. Again, I didn't know him really well or anything. But, I remembered him so I "friended" him on facebook.

Today, I look at my messages and I see this from this former HS student:

I have been telling this story for almost a decade now about you and now I have your name. I am always asked when did you really start following God since you came to Christ early in life? I say it was this intern during my freshman year that just said one thing to me. I really didn't know him that well but he asked why did you miss church camp this summer and I said I was in sports camps and working. I really thought it was weird for him to ask me since I really didn't know him. The way you said it made me realize that I have more important things to do in the summer like God. I just want to say thank you for saying those few words which changed my life.

Talk about humbling...


Len said...

you just never know what God will use, do you? That's awesome.

Anonymous said...

Our ministry is so so valuable.

Ken said...

no doubt