Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Church urges hanky panky among members

In an article posted today "Relevent Church" encouraged thier congregants to have a 30 day "Sex Challenge."

Some quick thoughts:

~I'm not an expert on church names but if you have to name your church "the relevent church" I'm guessing that you really aren't.

~I wonder how many men struggling with sexual addiction will now have a better reason to force thier wives to have sex. "But honey, the pastor told us to!" In a very real way, for men struggling with porn, 30 days of sex is the LAST thing they need.

~That being said, if you are in healthy relationship it could make Lent a little more fun.

~Is this what you really want your church or your pastor to be known for? I suppose some would see it as being cutting edge or provoctive. I see it as gimmicky and shallow.

~I do think it's funnyt that the 30 day sex challenge is only for married folks.

~They should have added 10 more days and published a book, "40 days of purposeful Sex."


Diane Davis said...

HA! I love your last point!!!

That is just so sad... I think he might be having some personal problems at home, no?

Ken said...

eh eh eh