Monday, December 29, 2008

The face of slavery in America

This is Shyima Hall. 19. At the age of 10 she became a maid for a family in Egypt. The family moved to the US and brought thier slave with her.

This morning I found this article on Yahoo about children sent to the US as maids. Some of them my daughter's age. The article is saddening and disturbing to read how these families treated this girl, how her OWN family treated her!

While home in Iowa last week I read this article about a man in Des Moines being convicted of the trafficking of two girls. One was found in a strip club. The other in to be a prostitute. (If you are familiar with Covenant House, it's hard not to connect the issue of slavery with some of our own politicians, but that's a whole other issue.)

I wonder how much of this goes on right here in Wichita...under our noses.

I can't help but wonder how teens can make a difference. Did those two girls from Nebraska ever go to church somewhere? Did they have an opportunity to connect with other teens?

How many other kids are being sold into slavery, right here in Kansas? In the Mid West? In the US?

How can our students make a difference in the lives of kids like that today?

Students have to have thier eyes openned to the pain going on around them. They need to see that they can make a difference...a LIFE difference in the relationships they make.

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