Saturday, December 05, 2009

The Crazy Christmas Series's Christmas time again! LOVE this season for Sunday mornings. there are so many fun games to play and great to remind students of the powerful story of Christmas.

If you are looking for ideas for a Christmas series, here is what we are doing this season for our middle schoolers.

Crazy Christmas Series

1. A Crazy Beginning: A Virgin Birth (Luke 1)

God has this crazy idea of using a middle school girl to give birth to His Son. Of course, she's an 8th grader...and not married...and she's never been with a guy. WHAT?!

The big idea: God is looking for middle schoolers to do something crazy in making a difference with their lives!

2. A Crazy Bargain: Stay with the Girl (Matthew 1)

So Mary tells Joseph that she's pregnant and she SWEARS that it's the Holy Spirit. Riiiiiiiiight. Joseph decides to divorce her quietly and an angel shows up to encourage Joseph to believe Mary.

The big idea: Listening to god isn't always as easy as having an angel in your bedroom. What are ways students can listen to God during the Christmas season?

3. A Crazy Birth: God is born in a barn (Luke 2)

Mary and Joseph are having the baby in a barn in Bethlehem. The Son of God's first bed is a feeding trough, a curious place for a king. In fact, Jesus never learned to live like a king. He lived like a servant.

The big idea: It's easy to get self absorbed during this season. What are different ways we can serve others during the Christmas break to keep Christmas going?

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